Live in the village and are interested in placing your home on tour in 2025? Please call email the office: 540-882-3018 x 113 or [email protected].
See these homes on tour during the 2024 Waterford Fair. Homes will be marked with signs in the Village. Locations can be found in the Fair booklet, which will be available on-site, or by clicking on the images below.
Scroll down to see all the homes and properties on tour.
Open All Three Days
Second Street School
The Second Street School (15611 Second Street) is open for viewing all three days. Friday at 10 am: join Waterford Elementary School 5th graders as they reenact a day in the life of the school. For more information on our school field trip program click here: Second Street School.

The beautiful sanctuary of Catoctin Presbyterian Church (15565 High St.) was built in 1862 after a fire destroyed the structure that was there. A lot of materials from that structure are in the current one.